Ionizer Armor® is like insurance for your water ionizer. It easily snaps onto your cold water line under the sink and requires no maintenance, so you can just set it and forget it. As the cold water passes through the directional magnetic field of the Armor, the water goes through some very advantageous changes:
1. The ability of scaling minerals to stick anywhere is dramatically reduced. Our in-house testing has shown a 40-60% reduction in scale buildup, not only in the plate cell but inside the entire machine.
2. Scaling minerals become less abrasive. After passing through the Ionizer Armor®'s field, the abrasiveness of the minerals is decreased, which protects your ionizer's platinum plate coating in the process and extends the life of your plates!
3. Lower surface tension! Ionizer Armor® can have a minor micro-clustering effect on the water even before it enters your ionizer! This makes your water even more easily absorbed than with an ionizer alone.
4. No more white flaky buildup in glasses and containers. Because ionized water is rich in minerals, when the water dries up in a container you will see the dried up mineral deposits, but with Ionizer Armor® in place, your glasses and containers will remain clear!
5. Improved water frequency. There’s a lot of buzz lately about vibrational frequencies and health, most of us have seen the EMF necklaces and Q-ray bracelets for years now, and some ionizer brands have even added laser lights and other methods to the ionizers to improve the healthy vibrations of the water. These are new methods and while they may prove beneficial they give you more parts that can fail inside the ionizer. Ionizer Armor® is a lifetime warranty product that installs outside the ionizer and has a 50-year track record (magnetic field water treatment) for safety and effectiveness.
6. Silky smooth texture of the water. Water that has been through the Ionizer Armor®'s field has a noticeably silkier feel in the mouth. You can test this yourself by pouring a large glass of ionized water before and after installing the Ionizer Armor® and tasting both waters. You will “feel” the difference in your mouth!
Ionizer Armor
The #1 enemy of any water ionizer is scale buildup on the membranes that are between the plates. When this occurs, your ionizer cannot separate acidic and alkaline minerals properly and ORP and pH are reduced, regardless of how well the self-clean function on your ionizer works, or if you have soft water! Protect and extend the life of your water ionizer with Ionizer Armor®.